Murchison A&P Show

Date: 15/02/2025
Time: 09:00
Murchison A&P Show

Adults $12
Children $6
Under 5s FREE
Family $25

Murchison's Community Big Day out - a place where people of all ages can join together in friendship to experience the many aspects of a country Show.

We have trade stalls, food stalls, coffee carts, craft and book stalls. Shearing, Axemen and Equestrian events. Machinery and farming implements on display. Children's fun activities and Sturgeons Amusements.

Inside the Rec. Centre you will find a room full of local crafts, flowers and vegetables on display from the talented people who live in and around our area.

Come and join us for a fun filled day!

Location:Murchison Sport, Recreation and Cultural Centre and Domain

Map of event location

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