Nick Mason and Mike McMellon.
Mike McMellon and Nick Mason have recently established the law firm Mason McMellon. Despite their law firm being new, Nick and Mike have been working in Nelson for many years. They are experts in the fields of employment and immigration law, with Nick a current board member of New Zealand Association of Migration and Investment and Mike one previously. They talk to Nelson Magazine about these two important fields of law.
Employment matters can cause considerable stress in workplaces. What do you advise employers to do to keep these to the minimum?
Employment related matters are a perennial concern for business owners who must ensure compliance with ever-changing regulation while recruiting and retaining a skilled, productive workforce and, on occasion, exit an employee from the business. Time spent ensuring those matters are properly addressed is time well spent and critical for the health of one’s business.
It is much more cost-effective for employers to have a fence at the top of the cliff than an ambulance at the bottom. That sometimes involves the early identification of fair, pragmatic, cost-effective options for the speedy resolution of employment disputes. When things can’t be resolved quickly, employers need to get help with mediation run by MBIE, or representation in the Employment Relations Authority and in the Employment Court. These processes are unfamiliar to most people and it is beneficial to offload responsibility and worry of the process to experts.
Immigration issues affect a lot of people in New Zealand. Who needs assistance with the processes required to be successful in their applications?
Immigration Law affects many people both within and outside New Zealand. Employers wanting to employ migrant workers, migrant workers and their families, migrant investors and entrepreneurs, migrant partners of New Zealanders and international students, must ensure they all have their aspirations approved by Immigration New Zealand. Engaging with Immigration New Zealand is at best bureaucratic and at worst confusing, frustrating and, sometimes, heartbreaking. Complications can quickly arise if people go it alone and get it wrong. Doing things the right way from the start makes a massive difference to the outcome. The diverse range of visa categories can be confusing to the uninitiated. Applicants need to understand all the potential pitfalls along with knowing exactly what information to provide.
What do you enjoy about your roles?
We both really enjoy doing what we do. Law is a service industry and we love helping people. There is no better feeling than knowing we’ve achieved the best possible outcome for clients. It is hugely satisfying to be able to use our expertise to solve problems in both the employment and immigration fields and to help take the stress away from what might have become difficult circumstances.