Pilot Whales strand at Farewell Spit

Sara Hollyman

Project Jonah staff are on site at a whale stranding at Farewell Spit. Photo: Project Jonah. 

A pod of pilot whales have stranded at Farewell Spit overnight on Tuesday.

Project Jonah said at first light they found eight long finned pilot whales alive having stranded on the overnight tide. A further two whales were discovered dead.

"Our medics are working alongside Department of Conservation  rangers and a few local volunteers to meet the immediate needs of the whales," a spokesperson says.

A separate group of five whales were found perished on the ocean side of the spit.

Mana whenua ki Mohua have performed karakia for these whales.

"At this time we do not need members of the public to assist. We will post further updates later today."

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