Andrew Hoggard visits Tasman

Staff Reporter

Andrew Hoggard visited the Waimea Dam as part of his recent trip to Tasman. <em>Photo: Supplied</em>

Andrew Hoggard recently visited Tasman to learn about the Waimea Community Dam, JS Ewers and Appleby Farms ice cream.

Andrew, a dairy farmer himself, former president of Federated Farmers (2020–2023), and a current ACT Party MP, serves as Minister for Biosecurity and Food Safety, Associate Minister for Agriculture and the Environment, and with a background in Applied Economics, Andrew is passionate about sustainable farming.

He recently visited Tasman to learn about the Waimea Community Dam. “Visiting Waimea was a great opportunity under my delegation of water storage. I got to learn and understand first-hand about the biggest water storage built in New Zealand in the last 20 years.  As well as the challenges and lessons learnt during construction and despite all the pain the community endured through the process, I think we can agree that water storage is critical for New Zealand. What really impressed me is that the Dam is an aquifer recharge dam. Its single purpose is to maintain and support the flow of the Lee, Wairoa, and, ultimately, the Waimea Rivers. The Dam has secured the region’s water supply for the next 100+ years this in turn supports the environment and the economy – and my favourite: It provides certainty for environment, farmers, and growers. Again, Water storage is critical for New Zealand - It really is time to start saying yes instead of no - even when the conversations are uncomfortable and difficult.”

Andrew Hoggard, with Murray King, at a recent visit to the Waimea Dam as part of his trip to Tasman. Photo: Supplied.

While in Tasman Andrew also visited Appleby Farms ice cream, “I had the privilege of sampling some of Appleby Farms ice cream, who have a pasture to plate or cow to cone philosophy, they own the paddocks and cows and control the transportation and distribution of their products. Another impressive business in the region.” Appleby Farms ice cream received multiple gold, silver, and bronze medals the company won at the 2024 New Zealand Ice Cream and Gelato Awards.

Earlier in the day minister Hoggard also visited JS Ewers who operates one of the most sophisticated growing operations in the country. “With 13 hectares of glasshouse, 250 hectares of outdoor land, and a four-hectare undercover berry fruit operation, producing fresh produce 365 days of the year it really is an impressive operation, it was fantastic to see the effective use of Biomass which is essentially a waste product, to reduce heating costs and grow fresh safe food.”

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