Facilitated game bird hunting


Success on a West Coast facilitated hunt. Photo: Baylee Kersten.


Each year, Fish & Game works with landowners and forestry companies to provide hunting opportunities for game bird hunters.

Extensive production forestry areas in Tasman and Marlborough provide an ideal habitat in which California quail flourish, and Fish & Game has solid working relationships with forest management companies such as PF Olsen, OneFortyOne, and Tasman Pine Forests to facilitate hunting opportunities here.  

These opportunities are well received by local hunters who have limited private land hunting options which is common in the Tasman Region where small farms and lifestyle blocks abound.

Some of the facilitated hunts are tailored to address high bird numbers that may be impacting on farming operations, as well as providing recreational opportunities.

Many West Coast hunters will be familiar with some great organised shoots run by Fish & Game West Coast staff. These are successful and social events which are also a popular way to introduce new hunters to the pursuit.

Another example is the annual Pukeko hunt near Nelson which has gone on to become one of the seasons highlights for the 60 hunters who participate and has been effective in reducing the very high bird population here.  

This hunt provides multiple ‘wins’ in that it controls bird numbers, and provides recreational opportunity, with the meat used to cook tasty casseroles which are provided to people in need, and the carcasses become food for native Karearea (NZ falcons) at the Marlborough Falcon Trust.

If you have land with abundant bird numbers you would like addressed, call the local Fish & Game office and they may be able to work with you to facilitate a successful hunt.

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