Cutural narrative embraced in new mural

Kate Russell

Pictured from left is local artist Nerys Ngaruhe with students involved in the project at a blessing for the mural on 12 December.<em> Photo: Kate Russell.</em>

Nelson Intermediate School has been involved in a Creatives in Schools project with local artist Nerys Ngaruhe.

Associate principal Nicky Chalmers says they wanted to embrace their ākonga (learners), whānau, and community by displaying their developing cultural narrative.

“Acknowledging the Mana whenua iwi of Te Tauihu: Ngāti Kuia, Rangitāne, Ngāti Apa, Ngāti Koata, Ngāti Rārua, Ngāti Toa, Ngāti Tama and Te Āti Awa, we have depicted various pūrākau, iwi stories.”

The colours used represent the school’s whānau groupings - Moketapu, Maitahi, Aorere and Wairepo

“This was an inspiring hands-on creative experience for all involved,” says Nicky.

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