Mon, Oct 7, 2024 6:00 AM

Finally, a designated space for Motueka’s youth


Elise Vollweiler

A space for Motueka’s youth has opened beside the recreation centre, filling a need in the community that was identified many years ago.

The Spot exists “to have a focal point or a central location for our young people”, explains youth worker Isaac London.

It houses a home-recording music centre, a piano, gaming stations and a pool table. The cupboards and fridge are stocked with donated food, and there is also a shower and laundry facilities.

Open 1pm-5.30pm every weekday and until 6pm on Fridays, The Spot is a place for youth to just hang out or join in the organised activities. Mondays are a permanent fixture for music recording, and other events have included mural painting and photography sessions.

The facility, located in the building formerly known as Weka House, is open for all youth/rangatahi aged 13-24, and the team say that capturing an age group range without discouraging anyone was a challenge that they’ve had to navigate. They ultimately decided to set the lower limit at high-school age, to ensure that their older clientele also had a sense of belonging.

The three youth workers, who include Natalie Young and Logan Blake, are working to create an environment that is safe and non-judgemental for young people, “whether they just want to hang out, or are in a vulnerable space and need some help”, Logan explains.

“Anyone’s welcome – all walks of life.”

The youth workers are connected with many other agencies and community providers, and while they aspire to not over-extend their mandate or replicate existing services, Isaac says that they want to be the conduit that connects young people to their work.

“The more collaboration and community support, the better,” he summarises.

Natalie hopes that they might be able to work with youth on goal setting, getting their drivers’ licences and providing mental health support. There are also plans to do a Waka Abel Tasman canoeing trip, and engage a yoga instructor or breath worker.

She reckons that there has never really been a space like this for Motueka’s youth - “a space where they can come and hang out.”

It’s been a long time coming though. The team have been told about a meeting held almost two decades ago at Hot Mamas, where a concerned group discussed the need for such a facility. A more recent 2016 community survey from what was then Vision Motueka had the same recurring response – that the community needs a “designated space for youth”.

Having helped with The Spot’s establishment, Isaac has since moved on from his role and the team are in the process of appointing his replacement.

The Spot is located at 30 Old Wharf Rd, in the yellow building to the west of the Motueka Recreation Centre car park, and is open weekday afternoons from 1pm.

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