Full steam ahead for Nelson show

Anne Hardie

Richmond Park manager Annette Robinson says part of the gates will be resurrected within the grounds. Photo: Anne Hardie.

Canterbury’s A&P Show has been canned this year, but it’s full steam ahead for Nelson’s 130th show in November, and despite changing times it is still one of the largest events in the region.

Richmond Park manager and show secretary, Annette Robinson, has held the job for 16 years and knows that nothing stays the same, and for the show to survive it has had to continually adapt with the times.

The park is owned by the Nelson A&P Association and its 300-or-so members are its owners, with a small team employed to run the park and show. Revenue streams are sought from numerous groups that use land and buildings through the year, including visiting motor homes, then the big event in November.

“There are still A&P associations around the country that own their grounds and they all have to diversify for survival.”

Annette says the Nelson A&P Show still attracts 10,000 to 11,000 people through the gates over two days and, combined with its various revenue streams, the association is now at a point it can begin working on maintenance that has been shelved until now. Such as the ageing plumbing and updating the stately Washbourn Gate that has stood at the main entrance for much of its history.

The new gateway will be wider to meet health and safety requirements and Annette says the design will copy the original, while two of the elderly concrete pillars and heavy gates will be resurrected within the park where it leads to the Otterson Woodlands.

When it comes to the show, there is a certain amount of psychology needed to work out even the layout of trade exhibitions and food because these days, she says, the public walk less, don’t look outside their field of vision as much and as always, gravitate towards the food. Even the food on offer keeps changing to appeal to changing tastes, she says.

“The types of businesses coming here is changing. A lot of it is when groups come and present themselves and you think you can adapt and put them somewhere. I never go and hunt for people because you can waste a lot of time and if people are interested, then they come to us.

“Every year you have to review what you are doing. Is something a waste of money and what can we do to change that?”

Some things have stood the test of time and continue to be firm favourites that attract crowds, including the shearing, woodchopping and of course, the animal nursery and terrier racing.

“Terrier racing is hilarious at times. One year there was a family of terriers – one shot off in one direction, one had a pee against the fence and another tore off after someone else.”

Since the show’s beginnings, she is aware of only one year that was missed and that was during World War 1. Through Covid-19, the association ran a competitor’s show but it was closed to the public. It cost just as much to run, Annette says, but without gate sales. Just before the pandemic, the association published From the Country to the Town, which traces the shows’ history through the changing times.

“There isn’t a lot of history books on Richmond and we have been a big part of the scene. In the early days, the show was based around livestock and they would bring their animals in for potential purchasers. It was the big event for the year back then. Now, with the internet to purchase animals, you don’t need to bring your animals to the show.

“We’re more citified now and you’ve got to review it every year. Now, we’re competing all the time with other events like the Christmas market.”

Location wise, Annette says Richmond Park couldn’t be better for the show and events, which bodes well for the future of the show.

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