WorkWell committee members at Mitre 10 Mega Nelson are looking after staff needs. From left, Tessa Jeffcott, Chris White, Nic Holmes, Linda Smith and Alfred Christoffersen. Photo: Anne Hardie.
Mitre 10 Mega Nelson is the first Mitre 10 in the country and the first business in the Top of the South region to gain accreditation for its WorkWell wellbeing programme.
WorkWell is a national initiative supported by Te Whatu Ora - Health New Zealand to workplaces with more than 100 staff. It is designed to be run by staff, for staff, and the Mitre 10 Nelson team has been awarded bronze accreditation for their efforts.
Staff have a committee working on the programme and member Alfred Christoffersen says its structured approach is resulting in positive outcomes for staff, which number up to 200 in summer.
He says staff seem to be more connected now and having a structured programme is more important than ever due to Covid-19 anxieties, the cost of living and challenges of modern life.
The programme involves surveys with staff to find out what they specifically need and the committee then works out ways to cater for those needs.
That includes making resources available and making sure staff know about those resources, with confidentiality when needed.
So far, the group has covered physical needs, mental health and healthy eating.
That led to staff being involved in physical activities such as the Aotearoa Bike Challenge, Relay for Life on a treadmill in the store and a challenge involving different exercises.
Speakers have been brought in to talk to staff on mental health issues such as suicide and its prevention, while fresh fruit has been made available as part of the healthy eating strategy.
“We’re trying to strengthen inductions so they are aware of the tools. Like if they are suffering from anxiety – what tools are available, such as free counselling.”
Te Whatu Ora health promoter for the region, Gayle Rawstorn says the WorkWell programme can be applied to any workplace and each group finds out what their team needs.
She says all workplaces are different and have to find out their specific needs and find solutions that work.
She says the programme is continuous, with ongoing evaluation to achieve long-term sustainable change.
The next step for the Mitre 10 committee is another survey to find out from staff what the next three health topics should be as it aims toward silver accreditation.