Nelson's Green Party candidate announced

Staff Reporter

The Green Party has announced Teall Crossen as their Nelson candidate in the upcoming general elections. Photo: Supplied. 

The Green Party has announced environmental lawyer Teall Crossen as their candidate for the Nelson Whakatū electorate in the upcoming general elections.

Teall is an environmental barrister and activist with two decades of experience advocating for the rights of people and nature in New Zealand courts, at the United Nations, and in the corridors of the beehive.

She has worked for Forest & Bird, Greenpeace International, and served Pacific Island countries at the United Nations as a legal advisor in climate negotiations.

Teall also worked as Eugenie Sage’s political advisor during the time Eugenie was the Minister for Conservation.

Teall’s activism began at high school where she successfully led a protest against an industrial incinerator emitting toxic fumes, and she has been arrested for protesting against building a coal-fired power station.

“I am humbled to be the Green Party candidate for Whakatū Nelson and I will be campaigning with everything I have for a fairer, climate friendly Aotearoa, where nature is protected, and everyone can afford a warm, accessible home and food on the table,” she says.

“I am fiercely determined to transform our laws to protect nature and the climate, enabling everyone to thrive and upholding Te Tiriti o Waitangi.”

Green Party co-leader James Shaw says he is thrilled that Nelson had such a strong Green candidate.

“I have known Teall for many years and she has an incredible track record of getting stuff done for nature and the climate. Teall will be a formidable candidate for the Greens.”

Teall is currently advising Nelson environment organisations challenging the Nelson Tasman Future Development Strategy.

“Our current laws don’t enable well-designed intensification that will cut climate pollution. We need members of Parliament who are ready to take bold decisions for climate action, and ensure everyone has a warm, affordable and accessible home,” she says.

Teall is currently based in Wellington, but plans to move to Nelson to campaign, and to make Nelson her home if elected to Parliament.

“Nelson is an incredible place, with a vibrant community and national parks on the doorstep. I will be doing everything I can to get elected and make it my home."

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