The Nelson Pod: One-on-one outside the ring

Staff Reporter

Host Matt Lawrey talks to Victory Boxing founder Paul Hampton on The Nelson Pod, the region’s first video podcast. Photo: Be Seen More.

The Nelson Pod host Matt Lawrey sits down with Victory Boxing founder Paul Hampton in the first episode of Nelson’s first video-first podcast.

After 11 years of running Victory Boxing on a daily basis, founder Paul Hampton is enjoying a change of focus.

Paul has passed much of day-to-day running the operation to Victory Boxing’s recently appointed assistant manager, Harry Jenkins, and is now focusing on new ways to develop the programme.

He thinks getting to work more on the future of the organisation will benefit its long-term health.

“It’s been a very, very full on, intense time and I’m very proud of what we’ve done. I’m as passionate as I was on day one. I’m still there all the time and it’s exciting getting to work on new initiatives, like getting a counsellor working at the gym,” he said.

“It gives me a feeling that I’m not so locked-in and I can explore some other things and share the load.”

Paul says, in the early days Victory Boxing had no money and the plan wasn’t entirely rational, but he wanted to help young people and he just followed his gut.

“I look back and it’s gone fast, but a lot has happened,” he said.

Paul recently sat down for an in-depth chat about his life and Victory Boxing with the host of The Nelson Pod, Matt Lawrey.

The podcast that is launched today covers a wide range of topics, including concerns about someone being hurt at the Fight for Victory fundraisers and the risks that can come with teaching people to fight.

Paul also talks about how he keeps himself mentally healthy, the joy of ice baths and turning 50.

Matt says Paul was the perfect person to interview for the launch of The Nelson Pod.

“Paul’s a legend. He’s built a real community around Victory Boxing and, as everyone knows, he’s a lovely, solid and smart guy. He’s one of those genuinely inspiring people that remind us of what’s possible when people follow their passions and think a bit outside the square,” Matt said.

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