The Nelson Pod: Pic’s is not for sale

Staff Reporter

Host Matt Lawrey talks to Pic’s Peanut Butter founder Pic Picot on The Nelson Pod. Photo: Be Seen More.

This week, The Nelson Pod host Matt Lawrey sits down with Pic’s Peanut Butter founder, Pic Picot.

Pic Picot is adamant that the iconic Nelson company is not for sale.

Pic tells The Nelson Pod this week that the recent appointment of his stepdaughter Aimee McCammon to the role of chief executive officer gives the company security that it will remain a family business.

“I really like what it is for Nelson. I would hate the thought of anybody closing it down and taking it somewhere else. I think it’s a wonderful community asset and by having it as a family business I’m confident it’s in good heart for the future,” he says.

Pic tells host Matt Lawrey that he believes their customers like the fact it’s locally owned.

“The people of Nelson and the people of New Zealand appreciate that they’re buying something from a family business. It’s not an overseas-owned entity and it’s not something weird, it’s actually hands-on making stuff.”

He says he is “so excited” to have Aimee in the job.

“She’s so good….she’s an incredibly motivated woman and she’s incredibly compassionate too,” he says.

Pic talks candidly in this week’s edition of The Nelson Pod about his relationship with Aimee and why he thinks she’s such a good fit for the company.

The chat also covers his belief that the world needs a revolution if it’s to meet the challenge of climate change, his plans for a new book, his love of swamps and the joy of being a grandparent.

Matt says he hopes the podcast gives people an even better idea of just what a remarkable man Pic is.

“He’s kind of extraordinary. It’s quite an intimate chat and I think it reveals how Pic’s passion for everything that he cares about really is still as strong as ever.

“He also gets a little emotional about becoming a grandfather again which is nice,” Matt says.

The Nelson Pod will feature a long-form interview with Aimee McCammon in an upcoming episode.

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