Mary, played by Elizabeth Lockwood, befriends a mouse and a robin in The Secret Garden. <i>Photo: John Conly.</i>
The Nelson Youth Theatre Company is treating families to three shows in three hours this weekend, all under the direction of parents and students.
A cast of 90 youth will be presenting The Secret Garden, Cinders: The True Story, and Little Red Whittington on Sunday at the Theatre Royal.
Richard Carruthers from the company says he is taking a backseat in his usual directing role, with two parents and one student taking the reins.
“In January, I ran a directing course for parent directors, and they have been working on these shows all year. These are their masterpieces.”
The Secret Garden is being directed by Amanda Lockwood, and Richard says it is a “well-recreated” version of the much-loved story, and many will know the book.
Cinders: The True Story is a pantomime being directed by Isabelle Bollaert and retells the classic Cinderella tale with a few twists and witty wordplay.
“It has a variety of old and new pop songs, with lots of slapstick, custard pies in faces, and lots of ‘dad’ jokes. It’s a lot of fun,” says Richard.
Student director Evie Mintrom will then bring her creation, Little Red Whittington, to the audience close to the interval.
Richard describes this as a “unique situation” when two companies, each about to perform a different pantomime - Little Red Riding Hood and Dick Whittington - combine forces and do the two as one.
“It’s just a bit of fun and mayhem.”
Richard says with the combo of plays, it will be a great “three-hour family entertainment session”.
There are two showings at the Theatre Royal on Sunday, 19 November, at 2pm and 6pm.
Tickets are $19 for under 19s, $29 for adults or $27 for seniors. Go here to purchase tickets.