Forestry education for New Zealand kids

Staff Reporter

Kids are taught by professional foresters. Photo: Supplied.

A new entity, Discover Forestry NZ is now underway nationwide. The forestry education operation has been set up by our eight Wood Councils with the aim to provide information and practical resources to young ones, and their families, who are wanting to explore career options in the sector.

More than 40,000 New Zealanders work in forestry jobs in New Zealand and Discover Forestry NZ highlights that there's a great range of jobs available in the sector – including working outdoors, driving machinery or trucks or working in an office or a lab. Discover Forestry NZ provides things such as local workplace connections with professional foresters and members of the forest sector for young people, information and field trips, school presentations and careers materials.

The entity will also act as a platform to bring visibility and education to the forestry industry to children via the Wood is Good (primary) and Grow Me (secondary) engagement programmes and resources.

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Wāhine in Forestry is another branch of Discover Forestry NZ that has been established. The purpose of this group is to encourage and empower women to succeed in the forestry industry through various initiatives such as workshops with other primary sector women’s groups, skills building with students, and linking woman across the New Zealand forestry sector.

Discover Forestry has been designed to fill a gap where efforts in this space have largely been overlooked, disjointed and across regions and industry organisations, until now, there has been considerable duplication of effort. Its aim is to ensure that any funding secured and efforts in this space can be co- ordinated, and resources can be put to best use.

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