Nelson Deer Stalkers assist with pest control

Eloise Martyn

Nelson NZDA member Aaron Shields (centre) sharing knowledge with new hunters. One of the many activities the Nelson NZDA does to promote successful, safe hunting opportunities. Their next course is in May 2024. Photo: Supplied. 

The Nelson branch of the New Zealand Deerstalkers Association (NZDA), whose members come from Nelson, Murchison, and Tasman, stared in 1948 with 46 members. Today the local group has around 400 active members ranging in age and abilities.

“There are more and more people interested in hunting,” Nelson NZDA volunteer secretary Aaron Shields explains.

“Our member numbers have been steadily growing the past few years both regionally and nationally which is encouraging.”

Aaron caught the hunting bug in his teens from an uncle.

“My uncle took me hunting once in my early teens, I caught the bug and just loved it. Add to that the opportunity of bringing home food and I was hooked,” Aaron says.

Whilst Aarons has been involved in hunting a lot longer it was 2017 when he got involved in the NZDA.

“I just loved my first hunting experience so much that I wanted to try and get as many people exposed to it as I could. The association brings all the hunting benefits together like health, food, and friendships.”

The Branch boasts two assets, an extensive shooting range at Packers Creek and Red Deer Lodge in St Arnaud, as well as overseeing another shooting range in Murchison. The many facets of the Branch are delivered by a committee of dedicated volunteers who share the same passion.

Every year there is a ten week course on offer for new hunters, or those wanting to learn.

“It’s an extensive course, anyone and everyone will learn things on it,” Aaron says.

“Our members have access to a variety of local game like chamois, wild pigs, red and fallow deer however with increasing membership and a lot of new hunters we are in a position to help landowners with pest control such as goats, rabbits, and pigs.”

With members complying with a hunting code of ethics issues like leaving carcasses in undesirable places are frowned upon by the organisation. Another bonus Aaron points out is the NZDA public liability which reduces the risk to landowners who grant access.

“We are keen to connect with any landowners who have a pest problem with rabbits, goats, pigs, possums, or any other game animals and would like a hand. We are happy to travel and like to organise a weekend and get stuck into it which helps the landowner and gives some of our new members experience in a controlled environment.”

Huge areas of public land for hunting in the Cobb Valley, Nelson Lakes, Nelson, Tasman, Murchison, and the Northern West Coast are also on offer through the club.

Anyone wishing to connect with the Nelson Deer Stalkers Association can email Aaron directly at [email protected]

“Landowner, hunter, learner - we’d love to hear from you,” Aaron adds.

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