Wed, Jan 3, 2024 11:42 AM

Getting to know... Sophie Kelly



Meet Sophie Kelly, dynamic event planner and festival director of the Adam Chamber Music Festival happening in Nelson next month. Nelson Magazine finds out about Sophie’s newfound love of gardening, her unwavering positive approach to life and the arts, and an unfortunate incident with a spider.

At the weekend you’ll find me...

Ideally in the garden! I’ve only recently discovered the joy of gardening and find it such a great way to unwind and process a busy week. I can lose myself in my own head and thoughts for hours and the added pleasure of seeing the layers of planting come to life is so rewarding.

My real-life superpower is...

I like to think it’s my positive approach to life. It seems to hold me in good stead and helps me to keep going when things don’t turn out as expected or hoped. I find it a necessity to help me manage the often stressful role of planning and delivering events and I think it also helps to ensure that your team feels supported and confident that you know what you’re doing (hopefully!).

Something I learnt way later than I should have...

That you sometimes need to pause and rest. I love my work but it’s easy to burn out working in the arts industry when it’s so often under-resourced. Also, that I love classical music, it’s definitely an appreciation that has developed since working on the Adam Chamber Music Festival.

NZSQ, Adam Chamber Music Festival.

My most irrational fear is...

Snakes and spiders... I’m still traumatised after waking up in the middle of the night with a spider in my ear. Worst experience in my life!

I’m convinced that...

The arts make the world a better place. They inspire and spark ideas, provide a platform for conversation and can encourage us to see things through a different lens and perspective. They also help connect us to others and ourselves.

My simple pleasures are...

Fresh sheets on the bed, early morning walks up the Centre of New Zealand, ocean swims and sharing a meal with good friends and family.

Early morning walks up the Centre of New Zealand.

I wish more people knew...

About Nick Cave’s Red Hand Files. Sign up online and once every few weeks a letter from Nick arrives in your inbox. I’m an avid fan and just adore his views on life, relationships and world issues. He is so articulate and brings a wonderfully abstract perspective that is often incredibly moving and generous.

My biggest pet peeve is...

People undervaluing the arts and not acknowledging it as a career choice that deserves to be paid in the same way as other professions. Thousands of hours go into crafting a piece of theatre or rehearsing a new piece of music. It takes phenomenal dedication, courage and tenacity and I have such huge respect for those who commit to making work for us to enjoy. I’m not musical or creative myself but I like to think of myself as an enabler – helping others to realise their works and connect them with audiences.

UV Spaghetti with my fellow event comrade Annie.
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