Fri, Nov 4, 2022 3:50 PM

If I Could...



As one of the newest and youngest faces on Nelson City Council, Campbell Rollo is excited to have started his new role as a councillor last month, and says if he could have any job, he’d be doing exactly what he’s been elected for.

If I could spend a day with anyone, it would be…

I would love to spend the day with Peter Beck from Rocket Lab. I once heard him as a keynote speaker at an event and I was so interested in his story. I don’t have a big interest in space, but I love what the Kiwi from Southland has done creating his company, the vision he had to make something from nothing, to sending rockets to space is just awesome.

If I could tell my younger self one thing it would be…

Ask me again in a few years’ time, my answer might change! What I would say now though is to find your dream, set some goals and go chase the future. I am extremely lucky to find my dreams, chasing them is the fun part, I am pretty stoked to be where I am today because of it.

If I could travel anywhere, it would be…

I have always wanted to visit Scotland, it’s where the Rollo family come from, and I am really interested in learning about my heritage and the place my great great grandparents grew up. I am also a sporting nut, so watching my favourite sports overseas would also be at the top of my list.

If I could change one thing about Nelson, it would be…

To build a big sports stadium. I'm a huge Hurricane and Wellington Phoenix supporter so Sky Stadium is a favourite place to visit. Having a big stadium or grandstand in Nelson would be fantastic for attracting more sporting events.

If I could have any job, it would be…

I recently started my dream job serving as a city councillor. From a very young age I have had a strong interest in Nelson and local government. I spent some time on the Youth Council and learnt a lot about local government. I jumped at the chance to run for council and when I found out I was elected I was buzzing, I am very excited to serve Nelson.

If I could only take one thing to a desert island, it would be…

Coffee. I love coffee. I’m a frequent visitor to local cafes and can’t go too long without one.

If I could donate $1m to any charity it would be…

I would love to share it around. The first would be Changing Places NZ, I’d love to make our community more accessible for the disabled, and the lack of fully accessible bathrooms in our region is sad, the situation is unacceptable. Everyone has a right to live in the community, and to access public facilities. Big Brothers Big Sisters is also a charity close to my heart and giving them support allows us to unlock the potential in the lives of many.

If I could have lunch with one person, it would be…

The guest list is overflowing with choices, I’d definitely say my good friend Nick Bastion-MacDonald, he recently moved back home to Nelson, but we haven’t had a proper catch-up yet.

If I could only eat one meal for the rest of my life it would be…

Most definitely a chicken pie, it’s an all-time favourite of mine that will never do dull, hint hint to Dad – maybe he will make one after reading this!

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