Tue, Apr 4, 2023 5:55 AM

If I could...



Hayden Brown is a human behaviour specialist and speaker. You’ll find Hayden working with his clients one-on-one from his Richmond clinic helping them uncover the “why” behind their behaviours, emotional challenges and long-term patterns. He tells us why he’d like to travel in time and what he’d do if he was Prime Minister for a day.

If I could swap lives with someone, it would be..
Well, if a client asked that question the answer would be that it is unwise to fantasise or compare your life to the values and priorities of others. That’s a recipe for self-depreciation in the long run. That said, It would be truly incredible to see the world through my three-year-old daughter’s eyes for a day. I think we can learn a lot more from children than we know and could all benefit from being more ‘child-like’, myself especially at times.

If I could travel anywhere, it would be..
Can I go back in time too? I love a good esoteric mystery or documentary on ancient civilizations. I’d be keen to be a “fly on the wall” (metaphorically not an actual fly), during the time the great pyramid of Giza was built in ancient Egypt.
Many believe we couldn’t build the pyramids with the same precision even with today’s technology. Absolutely incredible!

If I could tell my younger self one thing it would be..
Hayden, get out of your own way and give yourself permission to do what you love! I think life is full of synchronicities (meaningful coincidences) if we chose to look for them –so I wouldn’t want to change my journey or how my challenges or historic pain points have shaped me into who I am today.

If I could be on a reality TV show, it would be..
Ironic timing for this question as I was asked to be on a reality TV show which is filming this month. I liked the show concept however, frankly, it’s just not my thing… I would rather be serving my clients! I will add that I would love to launch an education podcast in the near future, however. That would certainly not have the same dramas that go along with reality TV!

If I could only take one thing to a desert island, it would be..
As a lifelong learner this is an easy one. I would 100% be taking a smartphone or device to listen to audiobooks! For me, I’ve always found audiobooks (I use the app, Audible) the best way for me to learn or read on the go. Listening on the
way to work or when doing odd tasks is very time efficient!

If I could have any job, it would be..
Exactly what I’m doing now. Mind you I have recently thought that I would love to contribute to or write a script for a psychological-based movie or series one day. I love the inner workings of the human mind and I think I could create some pretty compelling TV.

If I could be Prime Minister for a day, I would..
I can’t think of anything worse than working in the polarising world of politics… but one day is manageable I think! I would look to create policies that encourage better health outcomes through nutrition. I would subsidise or set in place tax rebates for fruits, vegetables, and non-processed, quality meats. I believe this would actually pay for itself due to improved health outcomes and reduced burden on the health system. I would also prioritise evidence-based essential nutrients such as Vitamin D, C and Zinc rather than supporting a paradigm that treats primarily with pharmaceuticals.

If I could predict the future, in ten years’ time I will be..
I would hope, the same role! Working with clients helping them uncover and resolve the “why” behind their challenges and behaviours. Long-term I also would love to train other counsellors or therapists in my approach and create a platform that connects clients with the right therapist or coach for them.

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