Thu, May 4, 2023 8:54 AM

On the couch with Alexandra Isherwood and Paul Le Gros



Nelson’s Isherwood Le Gros Law has recently merged with Canterbury based firm, Tavendale and Partners. Nelson Magazine chatted with the firm’s local Partners, Alexandra Isherwood and Paul Le Gros, about the merger and what working in a contemporary law firm is like.

Law firms are often thought of as serious, stuffy places that people go to as a last resort when they have problems. Is that really the case?

The legal industry as a whole is still quite traditional with many firms operating under an old-fashioned hierarchical system. We strive to do things differently by valuing and investing in our team who are all highly trained and very people focused.

In terms of our clients, properly understanding what they do and what they need is the most important thing for achieving good outcomes. By really knowing them, we can offer practical advice and creative solutions to any challenges they might be facing in either their personal life or business plans. Above all else though, we try to make sure that anyone who comes through our doors feels welcome. We don’t think our clients would call us serious and stuffy!

What were the reasons for merging Isherwood Le Gros Law with Tavendale and Partners?

Merging with Tavendale and Partners allows us to maintain our relationships with existing clients, while increasing the breadth of expertise available to them.

We now have on-call experts in agribusiness, resource management, employment and litigation, which will be beneficial for many of our clients. TP also have the same “people first” values while being innovative, collaborative and committed to a positive team culture that encourages everyone to achieve the best outcomes for people and businesses.

What are the main things that people can do in advance so that they are prepared if their circumstances change?

Creating or updating your will and enduring powers of attorney is a good place to start and those with a family trust should certainly have it reviewed for compliance with new trust legislation. We would also encourage people to consider how they can better protect their assets, both from business risks and the potential break down of relationships. Most importantly, if you are anticipating a big change in your life with buying a house, buying or selling a business, transferring assets to the next generation, or starting a new venture, get advice early – the earlier lawyers are involved, the more we can help to remove risks and roadblocks and reduce stress.

Do you have any advice for business owners concerned about a possible downturn in the economy?

Take stock of the essential elements of your business, both legal and financial, and be proactive in preparing for change. It’s easy to get panicky reading the current headlines, but the more prepared you are, the more resilient your business will be. It’s also important to build a team of trusted advisors around you – people who really know your business, understand your industry and encourage you to think strategically. Having the right team of people to lean on during uncertain times can make all the difference.

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