Sun, Jan 7, 2024 8:16 AM

Sponsored: On the couch with Nelson Airport CEO Mark Thompson



Mark Thompson, CEO of Nelson Airport, is convinced he has the best job in the world. Perched up in his office in one of New Zealand’s most stunning airport terminals as he takes in the action below, Mark talks to us about how things are going on and off the tarmac.

In retrospect, how was 2023 for Nelson Airport?

Considering the headwinds around the economy, the changing government, offshore challenges, and general uncertainty, I see it as sensational. We’ve seen similar levels of activity to last year which is very satisfying in a world where a lot of other industries have been under huge stress. We have made considerable progress in working toward long-term goals of sustainability and building on the Nelson Airport experience.

What are the challenges that the need for sustainability and the reduction of carbon emissions bring?

We are working on two main fronts. They include liaising with airlines to provide the infrastructure required so zero-emission aircraft can operate here, whether they be of electric or hydrogen propulsion. We are also working on the plan to lengthen the runway to be able to accommodate those aircraft as they will be heavier than the current fleet and therefore require a longer strip to operate on.

This runway is short by international standards and if we are going to continue to be an important hub for business and leisure passenger travel, we need to invest so the Nelson region can be a world-class destination.

How significant is Nelson Airport to the region?

It is a key strategic asset. Nelson is heavily reliant on its roading and aviation infrastructure. We are lifeline infrastructure for the region in the event of natural disaster or emergency. Everything we do in terms of day-to-day activity on site and future planning has to be the best it can be to protect our region’s connectivity and allow for the efficient movement of people and freight.

You obviously love your job?

It’s a job where I can use my experience and learnings to deliver an airport that all those who live in the region can be proud of. I’m grateful to be able to lead the work needed to ensure Nelson Airport is on a strong and secure pathway to contribute to a sustainable future for aviation. That’s essential so our kids and grandkids can reap the benefits of sound and sustainable foresight and planning. It is exciting to be part of such a vibrant organisation, working with great people who aspire to create a destination that reflects our region culturally, economically, socially and environmentally.

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