Tue, Nov 15, 2022 7:00 AM

Reformer pilates in Richmond



You’ll get an instant warm, welcoming feel when you walk through the door at Common Ground Reformer Pilates Studio. Owners, Jess Dasler and Kate Churcher, good friends since college, worked as kindergarten teachers for ten years before being inspired to find greater balance in their lives, and began their training to become qualified pilates instructors.

How did you find pilates?

Jess: I have always loved moving my body in ways that make me feel good. After injuring my back as a gymnast my physiotherapist recommended pilates to support my rehab and it had a wonderful impact on my recovery.

Kate: I discovered reformer pilates in Australia and loved that it was low impact on my body, yet challenged my strength, flexibility, endurance and most importantly it was super fun.

What was the training like to become a pilates instructors?

Kate: The training was awesome. We loved learning about anatomy and the biomechanics of the body alongside the pilates principles which guides our teaching.


What is reformer pilates?

Jess: The pilates method was invented by Joseph Pilates in the 1920’s. He believed strongly in the use of breath work and correct alignment to move the body through strength-based workouts. He created the reformer machine using a system of springs and pulleys for resistance to rehabilitate injured soldiers in World War I. When he moved to the USA, the pilates movement really took off.

What has been the reaction to you setting up your studio in the heart of Richmond?

Jess: We have had an overwhelmingly positive response from people of all ages and abilities. It fills us with so much joy hearing stories of how much better our members are feeling both physically and mentally as a result. The great thing is, there are modifications and variations available to suit everyone.

Kate: We have people coming to us with many different stories. From athletes to parents seeking a moment of self-care; to those working with medical practitioners for injuries along with people who want to build strength and feel great in their body. Pilates supports alignment through mindful movement alongside breath work, which helps to reduce stress.

How many people can you have in a class?

Jess: We offer small group classes with maximum of seven. There are also options of private classes for individuals, friends, or small groups. Everyone is welcome.

270 Queen St, Richmond


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