Sun, Jul 14, 2024 2:00 PM

A leap of faith towards women’s empowerment



Dangling off the side of a cliff is a leap towards confidence and empowerment, as discovered by the participants of a recent adventure therapy workshop.

The Elevate abseiling workshop was offered in collaboration with Women’s Support Motueka and Canyoning Aotearoa.

It was run by Women’s Support counsellor and case manager Camille Paris, along with her husband Adrien, a canyoning instructor with a Level 2 New Zealand Outdoor Instructors Association qualification. Together the pair own Canyoning Aotearoa and this programme was trialled in 2023, with positive results.

The most recent session, held in April, was attended by six women who are individually healing from their own experiences and history of trauma.

Camille says the group met in the morning and made their way to the top of the Tākaka Hill.

“We arrived at a place called The Quarry and opened with a karakia before beginning to put on the harnesses and helmets. The day began cloudy and cold with a little wind, which was a parallel to the feelings of nervousness felt within the group. Two of the clients knew each other, however, the rest were strangers.”

She says they began the day by learning about equipment and abseiling techniques before progressing to different heights, finishing with a guided rappel from the very top of the cliff.

“It blew me away, I have no idea how I managed it,” one woman expressed in her feedback.

Camille says that the workshop focused on pushing boundaries, creating trust, building confidence, practicing mindfulness and offering a connection to nature and the outdoors.

“As the day progressed, the women began to form connections, cheered when they completed something, gave encouragement and understanding when it was difficult and shared jokes, tears and laughter with one another.”

She says that by the end of the day, there was a real sense of connection and bonding over past experiences between the women.

“A lot of them expressed how much they overcame, the safety that the group created, both emotionally and physically. They expressed how empowering it was, to be present in the moment, in the beautiful outdoors, doing something courageous, while overcoming their fears, in a safe, controlled and supportive environment.

“One participant commented that staying present was a skill that she could take into everyday life.”

Another was amazed at herself for achieving the highest abseiling challenge, which in turn meant she had to trust other people and the process.

“It’s a reminder that I have the ability to step out of my comfort zone and to try new things. My drive and willpower are enough.”

Camille offers thanks to the participants for being courageous, taking time to try something new for themselves, stepping out of their comfort zones and trusting in themselves.

“With the hope of approved funding, we plan on running more of these workshops after the winter months have passed.”

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