Sun, Jul 14, 2024 7:00 AM

Changing real estate to help the community


Kate Russell

Selling houses in Nelson Tasman is now set to benefit local charities thanks to a new real estate company aiming to inject $1 million into the community in the next five years.

Change Real Estate Ltd, spearheaded by Ben Cooper and Robin Goetzke, will put 100 per cent of their company profits back into community organisations.

“Our guiding principal is to put people before profits, not profits before people,” says Ben, who has been in the industry for 17 years.

“We are effectively a not-for-profit, we’re an agent collective, and instead of paying a big chunk of money to a business owner and franchise, it will go to local charities instead.”

In a traditional real estate company, there is a franchise, the business owner who owns the local franchise, and the salespeople. Usually, a large portion of the commission goes to the franchise and the business owner.

“Instead, we are paying it back into the community through organisations who are making a real difference to families in Nelson Tasman, especially in the areas of affordable and healthy housing, mental health and poverty relief,” Ben says.

Launching this week, they will offer flexible fees, no upfront marketing costs, comprehensive and creative marketing, and experienced agents.

“We’re currently a team of four with over 35 years combined experience selling in Nelson Tasman,” Ben says.

“Every Change agent has completed at least 50 sales so clients can be assured they’re dealing with experienced professionals.”

Robin says they want to change the perception of the industry.

“You can sell your house at a similar or cheaper cost, and you also get the feel-good factor knowing you’ve contributed something back to the community as well.”

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