Mon, Jul 24, 2023 7:30 AM

Cornetist pitch perfect at national champs


Gordon Preece

Nelson City Brass Band cornetist Kay Mackenzie “couldn’t believe” she trumped a top prize at the recent New Zealand Brass Band Championships in Dunedin.

The Scottish expat and Nayland College music teacher won the champion of champions section at the annual event with her performance of Bad Spirit by Damien Lagger with a Michael Jackson motif.

She says it was “outrageous” to claim the win, competing in the amateur cornet category instead of the higher-level champion category.

“It was just phenomenal to win from [the amateur category],” she says.

“[The judges] felt like it was a very stylistic performance and I think just getting all the detail in the music and feeling the essence of the pace that came across in the performance.

“I think the pace did me a lot of justice because it was quite a crowd-pleaser.”

Kay says it was her first time competing with a B flat cornet, for a “new challenge”.


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“It’s kind of like the principal violin when you sit on the end chair, you’ve got a lot more technical parts to play in the brass bands,” she says.

“So, it’s been a real challenge, and to finally get the chance to lead my section has been very good.”

Kay says her partnership with Motueka pianist, Louis Lucas-Perry, played an important part in her success.

“I had quite a few run-throughs with my pianist which really helped to bring the performance to life.

“He was as much part of the performance as I was,” she says.

“We’re lucky to have someone who’s able to play the challenging repertoire because the piano parts are quite fiendish.”

Kay says she first started playing cornet at primary school.

“It’s just like playing the trumpet except it has a more rounded tone and quality of sound, and it’s just so fun,” she says.

“The repertoire that you have to play and the challenges and the paces you get to play and bringing out the music and finding the musicianship… it’s absolutely amazing, really.”

Kay said she competed in the championship with her 28 fellow Nelson City Brass Band members who faced off against 25 other bands from across the country.

She also placed third in the open ensemble A section with Ross Gerritsen, Andrew Yorkstone and Mike Ford, who also placed second in the champion of champions.

The band placed fifth overall.

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