Wed, Jun 19, 2024 6:00 AM

Faster speeds possible for region’s highways


Max Frethey - Local Democracy Reporter

The main route between Nelson and Blenheim could soon be back to 100kmh under a proposal by the Government to alter how speeds are set.

Last week, the Government opened consultation on its draft land transport rule which aims to put a stop to blanket speed limit reductions.

“The previous government’s untargeted approach slowed Kiwis and the economy down, rather than targeting high crash areas of the network,” Minister of Transport Simeon Brown said in a statement.

The proposal would reverse speed changes made since 1 January 2020 on local streets with widespread 30kmh speeds around schools, urban connector roads, and rural state highways. The sought changes could see a return to 100kmh limits on stretches of State Highway 6 between Wakefield and Hope, and between Nelson and Blenheim.

If Waka Kotahi can demonstrate public support for the reduction in some sections, such as hilly or windy areas, the lower speed limit can be retained in those locations.

However, the agency would be required undertake new consultation on the changes in line with additional requirements contained within the draft rule.

The highway between Blenheim and Nelson was classified as a high-risk rural highway before speeds were reduced.

In the 10 years between 2009 and 2018, 20 people died and 92 were seriously injured. Of these, 19 deaths and 87 of the serious injuries were in areas with a 100kmh speed limit.

The route has seen a 93 per cent reduction in fatal and serious crashes since the reductions were introduced.

In the same period, there were 98 crashes on the section between Wakefield and Hope which saw three people killed and 18 people with serious injuries.

Nelson City might not see many changes itself.

Though the city centre was reduced from 50kmh to 30 in 2020 and could be classified as a blanket reduction, the affected roads don’t fall within the Government’s signalled criteria.

“There is a risk this could change once the rule is modified by central government from draft to final, but as it stands we feel confident that these changes will remain in place,” says David Light, the city council’s acting group manager infrastructure.

“However, council may find it harder to bring in similar changes in the future under the draft rule.”

David says that reverting speed limits would be relatively simple and inexpensive unless consultation was required which would be “more time consuming and costly to the ratepayer.”

A binding schedule of speed limits for each road type would also be introduced under the proposal, while councils would have to undertake cost-benefit analyses on changing the speeds for each affected road, enact variable rather permanent speeds outside schools, and meet ministerial objectives.

Tasman’s deputy mayor Stuart Bryant, chair of Nelson Tasman’s transport committee, says the impacts of the changes on the region’s speed management plan weren’t yet identified, “but at first glance, the draft rule would appear to make it more difficult and costly to change speed limits”.

The region’s two councils are currently in the process of creating a speed management plan which was consulted on over the summer.

Though guidance from the Government has been opposed to blanket speed reductions, Stuart says the committee will look to lower speeds where its being specifically called for by residents.

“Our community has provided strong feedback that they want to see some changes, especially around schools, and we’d like to progress those if possible.”

Local Democracy Reporting is local body journalism co-funded by RNZ and NZ On Air
Nelson App is owned by Top South Media. a locally owned media company.