Tue, Jun 18, 2024 6:00 AM

Helicrew prepped for emergencies on the road


Sara Hollyman

Crew from the Nelson Marlborough Rescue Helicopter are used to their helicopter being equipped with everything they need to help patients, but for much of the time, they travel in a Rapid Response Vehicle that has until now been unequipped for an emergency.

Trust manager Paula Muddle says the RRV is often used to transport the crew to and from Nelson Hospital. It also allows staff to leave the base while on shift.

Paula says, when patients land at Nelson Hospital after being transported by the rescue chopper, the critical care paramedic remains alongside the patient, while the helicopter returns to base.

“The car is then used by the crewperson to go and pick the critical care paramedic up,” she says.

“So while in the car, they have the skills to be able to help in an emergency, but the equipment can’t be taken out of the helicopter for obvious reasons.”

She says the RRV is also required during bad weather.

The Foodstuffs South Island Community Foundation have donated funds through Nelson City New World to purchase an AED and Trauma Bag.

This will allow their crew members to respond to incidents in the rapid response vehicle which is sponsored by Nelson KIA.

Nelson City New World owners, Glenn and Tracey Anderson, say were only too happy to help out with the request.

“They’re all about supporting local communities,” Tracey says of the foundation.

“Especially for big local organisations like the rescue helicopter that are paramount to the community – everyone in the community will benefit from it.”

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