Fri, Jul 19, 2024 5:58 AM

Mayor’s column: Black Caps returning to Saxton Oval


Nick Smith

The announcement by New Zealand Cricket this week that Saxton Oval will host international cricket again this summer is great for the region.

There has been a bit of drama, but we have secured the Black Caps vs Sri Lanka T20 on 2 January, and White Ferns vs Sri Lanka on 7 and 9 March ODI.

There is intense competition between NZ’s 16 cities to host such games. It’s hard against cities like Auckland, Wellington and Christchurch that have bigger populations, facilities and budgets. We had no international games at Saxton Oval for the five years prior to last season. The games last summer were a great success with 6000 spectators and economic benefits to the region of $2.5 million.

These games last year were only saved by some fast footwork. The problem was a ban on alcohol advertising that was put into the Saxton Management Plan in 2021 at the last moment without consultation. It is the only cricket ground in the country to have the ban. It was very messy when the Nelson Council, just six weeks prior to last year’s game, voted against granting an exemption. The decision was thankfully reversed a week later.

Nelson Cricket wrote to me earlier this year saying they could not cope with this level of uncertainty for future events. You cannot rearrange venues, accommodation, broadcasting and travel for international teams at a few weeks notice. The joint Councils agreed to revise the policy, we publicly notified the proposed change and received 150 submissions with over 80% in favour. We voted 16-5 to make the change last week.

Saxton Oval is a spectacular cricket ground that Nelson and Tasman ratepayers have spent millions on developing and maintaining to international standards. The games are great family events. The alcohol advertising is minimal and cause little harm. The players help inspire a new generation of sportspeople.

These are tough times and we need to be hungry for every event for the region. My thanks to Nelson, Central Districts and NZ Cricket for their patience and the opportunity to showcase our wonderful region.

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