Tue, Jun 11, 2024 11:00 AM

Nelson now home to largest population of kākāriki karaka



After only two-and-a-half years since initial release, the Brook Waimārama Sanctuary now has the largest population of kākāriki karaka in New Zealand - and in the world.

The estimated minimum number of the species at the sanctuary is 231 birds, but the population is likely to be more than 300.

“With a total estimated wild population of about 500, we now have half the population here,” says sanctuary chief executive, Ru Collin.

The kākāriki karaka, also known as the orange-fronted parakeet, is endemic but is in serious trouble due to introduced predators, especially ship rats and stoats.

The sanctuary recently completed their annual density survey for this critically endangered species, and over two days they surveyed 12 lines with nine Department of Conservation staff and 11 sanctuary volunteers/staff.

“On both days, we completed 138 playback stations and tracked sightings in between stations at various locations to get an accurate population count.”

The sanctuary re-introduced 104 birds in November 2021, and 21 in 2023.

“The population has grown from 125 to 231 in two-and-a-half years, which is a remarkable result. They have dispersed widely throughout the sanctuary and are now present in almost every block,” says Ru.

“This highlights the significance of maintaining predator-free areas. By creating a safe space with suitable food and nesting habitats, as well as a dedicated team overseeing them, wild species can thrive the way they were meant to before humans.

“We are very happy to support this population and want to continue advocating and saving species that are on the brink, like the kākāriki. It’s really great news and something that we want to share with the community.”

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