Mon, Aug 12, 2024 2:05 PM






Nelson Hospital
Design and enabling works for the Nelson Hospital redevelopment are underway. Delivering this crucial infrastructure for Nelson, Tasman, and Marlborough is a major priority for the National-led Government. Health Minister Dr Shane Reti is applying lessons from past projects to deliver health infrastructure in a quicker and more financially responsible way, delivering benefits to communities like ours sooner.

While the design work for Nelson Hospital has not been finalised, health officials are considering a series of smaller builds - rather that one large building - which will mean our new hospital will be operational much quicker. The budget for the redevelopment remains the same. What National won’t do is buy into the failed policy of ‘promising’ poorly thought through hospital projects, as in Nelson, which the previous Labour government was never going to be able to deliver on in the way it said it would. The National-led government is prioritising Nelson Hospital and is committed to delivering an earthquake resilient hospital that will meet our community’s needs for the future.

Maitai School
The Government’s 2024 budget includes funding to rebuild Maitai School, a crucial step for children with special learning needs, their families, and educators in Nelson. Principal Jenny Milne highlights that the new space and facilities will enhance safety, enable earlier student enrolments, and alleviate concerns about the school’s capacity. Managing challenging behaviours in mainstream classrooms is a significant stressor for families, and transforming Maitai into a hub for students with learning support needs will provide a structured pathway for these young learners to thrive.


Nicola Willis keynote speaker at Aspire 2024
National’s Nicola Willis presented to regional leaders at the Nelson Tasman Chamber of Commerce’s annual conference in July. Nicola said the Nelson region encapsulates the sense of what’s possible for New Zealand by deriving significant value from our land and natural resources. Nicola highlighted the Government’s priorities for the region such as the redevelopment of Nelson Hospital, delivering the Hope Bypass, and investments in regional development and climate resilience. Nicola also reiterated the Government’s commitments to grow the economy and prioritise investment in education, health, law and order, and infrastructure.

Tax cuts for hardworking Tasman families were implemented last Wednesday. Families will see the benefits on their next pay check. This package will give average income households up to $102 a fortnight, plus FamilyBoost childcare payments of up to $150 per fortnight for eligible families.

If you are interested in hearing more about the National Party in Nelson, we would love to hear from you.

Please email:

Sheila Grainger, Nelson Electorate Chair at
Blair Cameron, Nelson-based Deputy Chair at or
Ray Griffith, Richmond-based Deputy Chair at

Authorised by J de Joux, 41 Pipitea Street, Wellington

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