Fri, Aug 2, 2024 6:00 AM

Summerset residents embrace Olympics


Anne Hardie

It began with twirling ribbons that led to a street walk with the ‘Olympic torch’ held high, as Summerset Richmond Ranges held its opening ceremony for the Summerset Olympic Games.

Several staff did the honours of twirling the ribbons and resident Anne Curtis had the privilege of being the torch bearer who led more than 70 competitors representing randomly-selected countries throughout the two weeks of competition.

The games’ opening ceremony kicked off last Friday, and throughout the official Olympic Games in Paris both Summerset Richmond Ranges and Summerset in the Sun are running a range of events from bowls and pool to cycling and something called cornhole.

In all, the retirement villages are holding 16 events and at times competing against the other village in what Richmond Ranges activities director Sarah Poepjes describes as simply “having a go”.

Some of the competitors are more serious though, including a few of the cyclists competing at the velodrome where there will be events for e-bikes, mountain-bikes and road bikes for different age groups.

When it comes to bowls, it’s serious for Anne who carried the torch. She has been playing lawn bowls for 40 years and says it will be the highlight of her three events that also includes pool and cornhole, which involves throwing a mini beanbag.

As soon as an Olympic Games competition was suggested at Richmond Ranges, 70 residents signed up and the list continued to grow.

“Sarah being Sarah said ‘okay, let’s do the Olympics’,” Anne says. “And everyone put their hand up.”

Sarah says medals will be awarded throughout the games which will culminate with the Sportsmanship Person of the Games award, before a closing ceremony to mark the end of the Summerset Olympic Games.

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