Sat, Jun 29, 2024 3:00 PM

Tapawera’s inaugural ‘Youthrive’


Eloise Martyn

Nearly 25 youths participated in Tapawera’s inaugural ‘Youthrive’ wellness event last month.

Attendees, aged 11-18, explored activities ranging from learning about health pillars and energetic Zumba dances, to emphasising the importance of sleep.

“It was a great event and we tried to offer something that would interest everyone,” event organiser Temika Amstad says.

“We had Zumba, jiu-jitsu, yoga, and a health and wellness specialist, as well as a sleep guru.”

The group created a vegan-based ‘build a bowl’ for dinner which some found challenging, but they were encouraged to think outside the square regarding healthy food options.

“Through the ‘build a bowl’ we really got them to see that healthy food can be yum too,” Temika adds.

Just before the close of the event, the participants got to experience and learn about breathwork before they made caramel smoothies with a healthy kick for dessert.

“It was a real team effort and made possible with funding from the Tasman District Council, support from Tapawera Connect, Rangatahi Explorers and co-organiser Karla Te Tau,” Temika says.

“It really was a cool event and I know those who came definitely tried a few new things regarding health and wellness.”

Keep an eye out here for future events,

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