Mon, Jul 8, 2024 2:00 PM

Theatre goes to the toilets


Kate Russell

It may not be the most “appetising” title, but Nelson Musical Theatre’s production of ‘Urinetown’ is set to bring something “different” to the stage this winter, according to director Hugh Neill.

Starting at Red Door Theatre on 10 July, the satirical comedy musical tells the story of a 20-year drought which has led to a government-enforced ban on private toilets.

The citizens must use and pay for public amenities, regulated by a single megalomaniac company until the local toilet mop-boy decides that he’s had enough and plots a plan to lead them to freedom.

The Tony Award winning musical pokes fun at capitalism, socialism, bureaucracy, corporate mismanagement and petty small town politics.

“What I love about it is that it is so different from other musicals,” Hugh says.

“It’s a parody on other musicals - very much a ‘larger than life’ take on them. I’m always researching what’s out there and what’s new, and this appealed to me.”

Hugh says the show is a real community theatre affair as some of the cast of 14 are joining them from Wakefield Country Players and Nelson Repertory Theatre.

“We have a really nice mix, it’s how community theatre should be.”

Urinetown is on from 10 - 20 July at Red Door Theatre with all shows at 7pm. Tickets are available here.

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