Thu, Jul 18, 2024 11:00 AM

Trading cuts for The Cut


Sara Hollyman

Robin Davis says the word retirement is simply a label, and not one he’s willing to attach to himself anytime soon.

The former owner of Richmond’s Cuts@Once has taken on a new venture after three decades owning the hairdressing business.

“I just didn’t want to be doing nothing, I wanted to be doing something that I thought was not just filling in time, but was worthwhile.”

Robin read an article in the Nelson Weekly in January 2023 about WAKA-TO-N-FRO The Ferry’s owner Bruce Robertson trying to sell the business locally with no luck.

The ferry operates trips over to Nelson’s Haulashore Island, the Boulder Bank and its lighthouse.

Robin contacted Bruce the very same day and was invited on a ferry trip to the lighthouse that afternoon with an Australian group who were in town for a conference.

The rest, Robin says, is history.

“I thought, ‘yeah, I can get into this’.”

He spent the next 16 months learning the ropes, after never having anything to do with boats, before officially taking over the business on 1 April.

“I’ve always like the ocean, but never had any boating experience.”

Robin says, it’s a seven-day-a-week business and he will work around times that people want to travel.

“Take advantage of the beauty of the place, and the amazing history of the harbour.”

He says he thought he knew quite a bit about the harbour but “knows an awful lot more now”, but is still learning.

“There’s the baches on the Boulder Bank, and the lighthouse which is the only one in the country that has public access.

“People talk about the beauty of driving on Rocks Rd and having a look out, and they’re right, but it doesn’t show what’s really here. You’ve got to get into it. The only way to do it is to be on the water.”

Robin has spent most of his life in Nelson but had never been on the ferry until that day in January last year, and now he is finding joy in showing others the same experience, many for the first time.

“I love the kids laughing and joking, it’s extremely rewarding and I enjoy just listening to the conversation.

“It’s getting them out and showing them some of the city that they’re never going to see otherwise.”

And for those who are looking for a new direction, Robin has some advice.

“You can’t just sit and wait for something to drop into your lap. Even though I could probably say this did drop into my lap a little bit… you’ve got to get out and explore the opportunities.”

And for Robin, it’s lead him to “the best office in the world.”

For information on trips offered on the rebranded Nelson Ferry, contact Robin on 0273029385 or email

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