Fri, May 3, 2024 5:00 AM

A love for agriculture


Eloise Martyn

“All things agriculture” is how Collingwood Area School year 13 student (final year of college) Courtney Riordan describes her past few years of studying and learning.

“I grew up on a dairy farm and I enjoy and have a love for everything agriculture,” Courtney says.

Nowadays, Courtney’s family lives in Collingwood however they still have a strong connection, and involvement, with their family farm in Bainham, 15 minutes away.

For the past two years, Courtney has been studying all things agriculture via ‘Gateway’ and ‘Telford’, two learning platforms offered through Collingwood Area School.

“With Gateway I have been learning bookwork as well as practical hands-on experience at our local vet clinic.” Courtney explains.

“Telford is done by correspondence and through them I have completed lots of different ag-related things.”

She also adds that one of the attractions with Telford is that you can do however much study you like, for as long or as little as you like, which gives much-needed flexibility.

“My favourite part of Gateway has been learning to dehorn calves, there is a lot of bending over but it is fun,” she says.

Recently, at Collingwood Area School’s prize giving, Federated Farmers Golden Bay presented Courtney with a Federated Farmers Trophy in recognition of her dedication and enthusiasm to the agricultural industry.

Next year Courtney has plans to head to Telford in Balclutha, Southern Institute of Technology, and complete a one-year course in Animal Technology on her first steps to entering the veterinary industry.

“I like getting out and working with or helping animals,” Courtney adds.

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