Thu, Jul 6, 2023 5:30 AM

From Kaikoura to Brazil


Eloise Martyn

It’s a big trip flying over 12,000 kilometres from New Zealand to Brazil, but on the 15th of August Amy Ingram, aged 17 from Kaikoura, will be embarking on the big journey to compete in the Lucy Olphert Showjumping event, a prestigious competition being held in São Paulo -Brazil, on a horse she has not yet seen.

“I’m not so excited about all the flights, we drive from Kaikoura to Christchurch, then fly to Auckland then to Santiago and from there to São Paulo in Brazil. I’m really looking forward to experiencing a different culture and working with different horses.” says Amy.  

Not only will Amy be competing at a world class venue, but she will have plenty of amazing sight-seeing opportunities such as visiting Iguazu Falls - the largest waterfall system in the world, going to the famous city of Rio de Janeiro and watching the sunset from Christ de Redeemer – the giant art deco statue of Jesus Christ, listed as one of the Seven New Wonders of the World and featured in many movies.

Amy saw the competition advertised online and having just been accepted to Palmerston North’s Massey University next year to undertake a Vet Science bachelor's degree Amy thought the timing of the competition fitted well so she applied.  “I was sitting in class thinking I should enter as it’s a once in a lifetime opportunity and with uni not starting yet it would be great timing.” Amy adds.  

To enter for a chance to compete, and join in the 12-day tour, you had to be over 16 years old, be jumping 1.15m or higher and be located anywhere in the world. “I had to write in about my riding experience and history, supply an unedited video of me jumping and supply two referees to support my application,” explains Amy “It was so cool to hear that I have been accepted.”

“The first week will be spent building a relationship with the horse that’s been allocated to me, I hope we partner well and can get use to each other quickly.” Laughs Amy. The competition is made up of two main events a national competition and an international competition both involve a course with around 10-12 jumps. “I am excited now but when the competition comes, I know I will be a bit nervous,” Amy says, “I over think it too much, once I get over the first jump the nerves go and I can just ride.”

Anyone selected to go needs to pay their own expenses including flights. Amy says that she has been extremely lucky with the people that she has supporting her to make it possible for her to go. The high school has allowed her time off and are very excited for her to have this opportunity.

The local Lions club have fundraising with firewood raffles, her family has chipped in and are all backing her and her part time employer (that Amy relief milks for) has not only given her the time off but is extremely supportive and encouraging. “It’s going to be awesome to watch the competitors who do the big 1.6 meters jumps I haven’t seen that very often so I’m very excited,” says Amy “This opportunity wouldn’t be possible without the awesome people supporting me I feel really  lucky.”

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