Mon, Feb 20, 2023 5:00 AM

New Secretary for Tasman Young Farmers


Eloise Martyn


Scent training for dogs and horse grooming keep Rachel Lowe busy when she is not working at the families Brightwater based orchard and shop or driving large freshly picked Strawberries to farming markets in Takaka, Marlborough and Nelson.

Rachel, came back to the family orchard, where she was born and raised, earlier in 2022.  She had been away for a number of years getting a BA in applied management as well as time spent working as a horse groomer. “It’s great to be back” beams Rachel “It’s really nice to have the choice to come back and not to have been obliged to stay and work on the orchard”. Rachel helps with a variety of tasks such as pruning, fruit sorting, packing, attending the markets and running the shop.

In November last year Rachel was appointed the Secretary role for the newly established Tasman Valley Young Farmers Club, which is steadily growing in numbers. “The club is a great place to meet some new people and have some fun” says Rachel.

The first Young Farmers club was established in 1927 and has been an important part of New Zealand’s food and fibre sector. There are 60 clubs nationwide that have members from all sectors of agriculture and horticulture. “You don’t have to be a farmer to join if you have an interest in the rural sector or primary industries you can be part of the club” adds Rachel.

If you are interested in connecting with the Tasman Valley Young Farmers Club, they meet the second Wednesday of each month at 7pm and their meeting locations alternate between the Tapawera Pub and the Brightwater Pub, contact Blair Anglesey on 027 845 0355 or look them up on Facebook.

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