Mon, Mar 18, 2024 5:00 AM

The many hats of Maree Edwards


Eloise Martyn

Wearing many different hats is something Maree Edwards from Collingwood knows all about. Community is something Maree knows a lot about as she wears many hats taking on different roles including her full-time job as an Agri Manager for Ravensdown.

“I love my job, getting out and seeing some pretty cool farms and locations, I can easily rattle off 1,000 kilometers a week,” Maree says.

“Winter can be very full on when we get soil testing done for spring planting but I enjoy hearing what I am doing is helping the farmer or grower in their business.”

Maree moved from Loburn, North Canterbury and has called Collingwood home for the last two and a half years.

“I like Collingwood, it’s in amongst the farming community, and it’s quite pretty with the bush and beach, “Maree says.

Maree studied agricultural science and specialized in agronomy, which is the study of field crop production and soil management.

“Studying the plants and the environment making the place suitable for growth,” Maree explains.

This study has been the backbone of her role with Ravensdown.

“Hmm, where to start,” she says when thinking of her many hats outside of her work.

“Probably the Tākaka dog trials. I like its social side, watching the trials, and enjoy being a set of helping hands to the club,” she adds.

Maree also takes part in hockey, netball, hiking, marathons, and motocross as well as being a support to both Golden Bay and Nelson Federated Farmers.

“I thought Feds would be a good organisation to be involved in,” Maree explains.

“It keeps you ahead of the game, you hear about what’s happening from the local council, farmers, and other groups, and also relates back to my job which is a helpful networking system for all.”

Maree says some of the work she has been doing for Federated Farmers has been good for confidence building and she has been enjoying trying something different and learning governing skills.

Maree says that the key to wearing all her hats is not to wear them all on the same day.

“I don’t do all of them each day or even each week, some of it is seasonal too which helps balance it all out,” she says.

This month Maree is setting off to the outback Northern Territory of Australia for three weeks.

“It’s something I have been wanting to do for years, so I am looking forward to it. It will be an interesting trip, however there really is no place like home.”

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