Mon, Dec 11, 2023 11:02 AM

Jet boats roar into charity rides


Jack Malcolm

Imagine the sensation of the wind in your hair and the excitement of hurtling along the Waimea River at flat-out speeds.

That’s exactly what a group of lucky children have in store for them as JetboatNZ Nelson Marlborough team up for their annual day with Big Brothers Big Sisters of Nelson Tasman to provide the experience of a lifetime.

It’s one of the most popular days out every year for Big Brothers Big Sisters of Nelson Tasman, says programme coordinator Jo Lavington.

“We’re swamped with responses. . . I sent the email, and within three minutes, I had five replies already.

“There’s a waitlist because it’s one of the most popular events.”

There's always a waitlist for one of Big Brothers Big Sisters of Nelson Tasman most popular outings. Photo: Supplied. 

Mike Glover, who formerly chaired the local jet boating club and organises the event, says it’s also one of their favourite events of the year.

With 10-to-15 boats out on the water, he says the rides are even more exciting than commercial jet boating in part because they aren’t carrying as much passenger weight.

“It’s pretty exciting in the shallow water. It’s twisty and turny, up and down rapids, around sharp corners and skipping across a few stones.

“We have as much fun watching as they do in the rides.”

Mike says every child gets at least two rides, which normally range from about eight-to-10 minutes each.

“You can go a long way in 10 minutes in a jet boat.”

Alongside giving out free rides, the club also builds a slalom course in the river, and everyone lines the banks to watch the racing.

While it’s not as formal as an official race, Mike the kids really enjoy watching the machines turn on a dime at such speeds.

He says it’s only because of the club members, who donate their time, boats and a significant amount of fuel, that this weekend could happen.

Mike also wanted to thank the local sponsors, Waimea Contracting, Lift And Shift and Port A Loo Nelson, for their support in keeping it a free event for the children.

Note: This year's edition was cancelled due to poor weather.

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